Your Body Redefined.

Chiropractic Manipulation

and chiropractic mobilization techniques (also known as adjustments) are an important part in rehabilitative care for most individuals experiencing pain, stiffness or decrease range of motion. All joints in the body relies on the proper movement of other joints. If one or more joints moves improperly there is a possibility for injury or pain.

Adjusting involves placing the body into a safe position to encourage the desired movement and applying a quick, specific push or pull. Here at Body Forward we utilize a combination of traditional and gentle chiropractic techniques. Even if you are not feeling any pain it is important to keep your body tuned up. Adjustments are personalized according to the patient’s tolerance, body and needs. Side note: your arms and legs can also be adjusted!

Myofascial Release Therapy

or soft tissue therapy is a technique using deep tissue treatment to affect the fascia (connective tissue) between muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. This is a great therapy for treating “knots” or trigger points. Tight muscles and other dysfunctions can develop from trauma, inflammation, surgical procedures, and poor posture. These issues can produce a great deal of tension leading to pain and poor movement.

Myofascial release therapy treats each patient with specific hands-on treatments using a variety of techniques and movements to encourage the fascia, muscles, and joints to move. Pressure is applied based on patient's tolerance. Soreness is common after treatment.


is an acronym for Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. This technique uses an instrument to improve range of motion and decrease pain caused by scar tissue and adhesions.

The instrument effectively breaks down fascial restrictions and causes controlled micro trauma to affected soft tissue structures. This technique causes reabsorption of unnecessary fibrosis or scar tissue and facilitates healing. There also appears to be a neurologic benefit to treating patients with this therapy. This response is similar to that involved with other manual therapies where the nerve fibers are altered temporality making you perceive the pain differently. Redness and soreness is normal afterwards.

Kinesiology Taping

has become the gold standard for therapeutic rehabilitative taping. This is different from the standard white athletic tape you are use to seeing. Kinesiology tape is stretchy and can be left on for several days even when you shower. This method of taping uses uniquely designed and patented tape for treatment of muscular disorders and lymphedema reduction. This technique involves taping over and around muscles in order to assist and give support or to prevent over-contraction. Kinesiology Taping can also be used for postural correction and other bodily reminders. It is also theorized that the tape decompresses layers of the skin from underlying nerves which in turn decreases pain.

Cupping Therapy

is an ancient Chinese technique used to remove and circulate areas of congestions and stagnation. A partial vacuum is created with a handheld device and plastic cups which are then applied to the skin, drawing up the underlying tissue. This moves blood and waste congesting in the surface tissues and muscles, promoting normal circulation and increased metabolic process. Here at the office we use plastic cups with a special opening on the top where a hand pump attaches and creates suction. This technique is extremely useful in relieving tight muscles and break up “knots”. The sensation is similar to a strong massage and can be used along with other treatments for the best outcome. A little soreness and bruises last serval days are normal.

Corrective Therapy

here at Body Forward Chiropractic focuses on exercises and stretches that specifically target areas that are problematic for you. The exercises given are effective since they focus on the specific muscles that need either flexibility, stability, strength or all. Whether you have never worked out a day in your life or spend 2+ hours everyday training, learning how to activate the correct muscles will prevent future injuries. Muscular imbalances and neglected muscles are common culprits of pain. While treatments will help reduce pain and speed your recovery, you need to improve joint mobility, strengthen muscles and improve your flexibility for the best outcome. Our goal here is to re-educate and redevelop.