Pursuit to Health.


PHASE 1: Relief Care

  • Reduce Pain

  • Reduce Tissue Inflammation

  • Frequency is Essential Here

  • Increase Flexibility

PHASE 2: Corrective Care

  • Increase Range of Motion

  • Restore Joint Function

  • Restore Function to Muscles

  • Modification of Daily Habit

PHASE 3: Stabilization

  • Rehab Muscles

  • Enhance Joint and Muscular Strength and Endurance

  • Re-educate Function


Click on conditions to learn more.

Neck/Shoulder Pain

Neck pain can be a difficult issue to deal with as many other symptoms can accompy such as headaches, muscle tightness, fatigue and even radiating pain into the shoulder or arms. Your shoulder pain can be related to your neck or it can be a condition of its own. Once we determine the cause of your pain, we can treat you with chiropractic manipulation, physio-therapy modalities, stretches/exercises, muscle therapy.

Back Pain

Back pain is extremely common and among the most frequent reasons for emergency room visits. Back pain can be debilitating and negatively impact your quality of life. However, chiropractors are well versed in treating various forms of upper, mid, and low back pain. If the root of the back pain is left untreated over a long period of time significant changes to your spinal structure can occur leading to chronic back pain.

Tennis/Golfer's Elbow

These two conditions occur when the tendons in the elbow are overused and become angry, usually due to repetitive motion of the wrist and arm. Tennis and golfer's elbow are commonly treated with muscle therapy, manipulation, electric stimuation and a series of rehab exercises to stretgethen the supporting structures.

Hip/Knee Pain

Most people develop some sort of hip or knee pain throughout life as these joints are constantly loaded by the weight of our body and must endure demanding tasks during our day to day life. Whether you are a runner, biker, or just have a chronic hip/knee injury, we may be able to help.

Sport Injuries

Whether you are a weekend warrior, frequent gym goer, or athlete, injuries are bound to happen. It is important not only to treat the injuries properly but also, educate the body to prevent future injuries. Dr. Damon Tong is an avid weight trainer and played competetive volleyball for many years so he is very familar with the aches and pains associated with being active.


Headaches come in all forms. It is beneficial to examine and evaluate what exactly is causing the headaches or migraines. The first step would be to take away the trigger of your headaches or migraines to ensure the efficacy of the treatment. We will try to determine the cause of the headache through a detailed pateint history and a complete exam. Many headaches such as tension headaches can be traced to the neck and commonly associated with tight muscles.

Sprains and Strains

Strains/sprains one of the most treated condition by chriopractors. A strain is an injury to a muscle or tendion. A sprain is an injury to a ligament. The treatment varies depending on the location of the injury and how long it has been since. Strains/sprains can be treated with electric stimulation, physio-therapy modalities, ice, heat, and chiropractic adjustments.

Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel often presents as numbness, tingling, or weakness in the first three fingers, hand or wrist. The carpal tunnel is a small area in the wrist where a nerve (the median nerve) passes through. Carpal tunnel is essentially the irritation and compression of the median nereve. It is important to determine if the symptoms are caused by true carpal tunnel or another condition derived from the neck or trauma.

TMJ Disorders

TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) issues are usually caused by muscular imbalances and dysfunctions of one or both sides of the jaw. This causes pain and sometimes popping during certain jaw movements. It may interfere with your ability to open and close your mouth making it hard to eat, brush your teeth or even talk. TMJ disorders can be a result of trauma, postural problems, or oral/dental issues.

Disc Herniations

This condition is extremely common but should not be taken lightly. Herniations takes time to treat and manage conservatively. However, the earlier you are seen and treated, the better the outcome. Common symptoms associated with this condition are low back pain, numbness/tingling/pain in the glute region or down the leg. Every individual is different and responds to treatments differently.


The word sciatica is a general term used to describe the pain, numbness, and/or weakness that travels from the lower back and down the leg. It is important to identify the actual cause of pain which could be a disc herniation, tight muscle, bone degeneration, or spinal misalignment. When the spine is misaligned, the surrounding nerves are compressed causing pain.

Muscle Spasms and Joint Stiffness

Muscle spasms are usually caused by an injury, being overused or even dehydration. There are many different types of muscles spasms but all can be quite painful and annoying. When joints and muscles are not moving properly restrictions develop causing a decrease in range of motion and leading to other problems in the future. Chiropractic manipualtion along with muscle therapy are great when treating these conditions.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is very common in middle-aged individuals and athletes. It can be extremely painful and hard to copen with. Conservative care for this condition consists of mainly self management techniques. However, chiropractic care along with physio-therapy modalities have shown to decrease flare ups and help patients manage their pain more effectively.

Degenerative Joint Disease/Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint diseases affects over 20 million individuals in America and more commonly seen in women than in men. The disease affects the cartilage inside the joint. Proper spinal aligment and movement is essential to maintian a healthty spine and prevent pain from arising. Sadly, degeneration is becoming more and more prevelenat in the middle aged population due to America's sedentary lifestyle and poor postures.

Spinal Stenosis

Stenosis is a fancy way of saying “narrowing”. This narrowing may be caused by mechanical issues or by abnormalities in the aging spine. The decreased space in your spinal canal where your spinal cord goes through may result in low back pain, weakness, and tingling down your legs. However, spinal stenosis can also be congential where some individuals are just born with a smaller canal.

 We also treat many other conditions!